Thursday, December 29, 2011

Finally a Run!

Okay you can officially call off the search and rescue team, put away the flashlights! I went for a run today, well sort of. It started out as a run and then a quick run home as I was having major GI issues and needed to use the loo! Regardless of today's distance I still feel accomplished. I laced up my shoes and enjoyed the sunshine. I may have only ran 1.50 miles, but as the saying goes, 'if you can run a mile you could run a marathon' and that is just what I am going to do! 

Monday, December 26, 2011


I think that if I don't go for a run tomorrow my running shoes might send out a search and rescue party...let's hope that it does not get to that! Hope that everyone is having a memorable holiday season! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mental Floss

For many runners not only being motivated to hit the pavement, but to zone out while running is often a challenge. As the great Timothy Leary, suggests,  'just tune in, tune out, drop in, drop out, switch on, switch off,' that however it a lot easier said then done. Being motivated and committed to your running routine could be a very daunting task. As I have suggested paying yourself to run is always motivation to me. A dollar a mile is very enticing, what girls does not love a shopportunity? For some it means wearing your running clothes and not changing out of them until you run. I find my running clothes way too comfy for that to even remotely work. When your motivator no longer does it, you need to readjust your way of thinking and discover new ways of motivating yourself to get out there and log those miles. Running should be categorized in the same category as work, which is expected. At your job, you must show up everyday and put your best foot forward, shouldn't you do the same with your running? Think to yourself if I show up and complete my running routine x amount of days per week for so many weeks, how will you pay yourself  for a job well done? Is there a new running outfit that you have been eyeing? If so tape a picture of it to your calendar with a date circled. If rewards don't cut it or you simply don't want to bribe yourself to run, after every run evaluate the run and find at least one positive aspect of your run.  I being from the school of over rewarding will stick to bribery! Regardless of what motivates you and gets you going, make a promise to yourself to lace up those sneakers and hit the pavement.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Winner for Week 5 KT Tape Shopportunity Giveaway

Congrats Melissa Perry Adams!! Please email with your address! Thanks for being a part of my cheer squad!! Happy Running!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Latest Obsession...

My latest obsession is the Lululemon Rehearsal Tutu.  Yes it is intended for ballerinas, but why not runners? When I looked at this tutu I didn't look at this as though I was a ballerina or even a graceful swan, I am far from graceful. It is amazing how the cutest adornment to your wardrobe can help empower you to run like you have never run before. Do you think that Audrey Hepburn, Princess Grace or even Princess Diana thought of life as a dress rehearsal? I don't think so! Taking a cue from these fashion icons, donning one of these tutu's will make you the belle of the race. And if you can't be the fastest runner why not be the cutest!  Can you guess what is on the top of my birthday list?

Rehearsal Tutu

Monday, December 12, 2011

Winner for Week 4 Paradice Ice Packs

Congrats Stephanie Maloy Chandler!! Please email with your address! Thanks for being a part of my cheer squad!! Happy Running!

Shopportunity Giveaway Week 5

Brought back by popular demand, this week on 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway, KT Tape will be giving another lucky follower my favorite elastic sports tape, KT Tape Pro.
How do I enter? Why it is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Sign up to follow me on my blog and like me on Facebook prior to December 18th, 2011. Two simple likes and you are entered to win this weeks Shopportunity
Good Luck! Be well, stay healthy, be active, and remember wherever you are, there you go.
To enter - Leave a comment here and on Facebook.
  1. Become a verified follower to 13 Going on Crazy (top right) of blog and make a note in the comments.
  2. Like 13 Going on Crazy on Facebook and make a note here in the comments that you're a new liker.
For bonus entries
  1. Add 13 Going on Crazy follow on Google reader (at right) and make a note in the comments.
  2. Share contest link to this page on your Facebook page and make a note here in the comments.
  3. Share contest link to this page on your blog and make a note here in the comments.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santa to the Sea Half Marathon Race Number 4 Recap

Still a kid at heart!
It's official. I am out of the double digits and down to only 9 races! Today I ran the Santa to the Sea Half Marathon in Oxnard and had a blast! I am not too sure if it was the actual race or the fact that it is the holiday season, but everyone and I mean everyone was beyond cheerful and happy. I saw more Santa's than one could count, I saw a person in a wrapped box running as a present, and even a group where two people where dressed as Reindeer with the third person dressed as Santa. What great ideas by everyone who dressed to truly embrace the holiday season. I wish that I had thought to do something, but I was more concerned about being warm today than cute. Maybe next year! Besides my stomach taking a vacation this morning without me, today was a perfect day. I even had a chance to talk to Santa and tell him what I wanted this year. The holiday season sure brought out everyone's most positive spirit!  I sure hope the beginning of this holiday season is bringing to you and yours ear to ear smiles and memories galore!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

I just picked up my bib and tee for the Santa to the Sea Half Marathon which is this Sunday! I can't believe that race number 4 is just around the corner!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday Run..Finally

Do you ever have one of those weeks where your head is clearly not attached & you can't get your act together. Well it does not take Einstein to guess that I'm having that kind of a week. Taking time out this week to go for a run has been near impossible, but I did it! I went for a run this afternoon and feel that I am ready for the Santa to the Sea Half Marathon this Sunday! I can't believe that race number 4 is almost here! It has been very hectic needless to say. Lots and I mean lots of exciting things are beginning to develop in my life. More on that as it evolves, but I am more than ready to bubble wrap my life and throw it in the back of a moving truck! 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Shopportunity Giveaway Week 4

Every girl loves a shopportunity and to kick off the up coming holiday season 13 Going on Crazy is giving away some of our favorite running things to my cheer squad! This week marks the fourth week where one lucky reader will be a winner of 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway.
This week on 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway, Pardice Ice Packs will be giving one lucky follower my favorite pre and post running ice packs. The set includes two P300 which is great for knees, calves, elbows, ankles, and thights and the P250 is great for all body parts, but I love putting it over my eyes and on my low back!
How do I enter? Why it is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Sign up to follow me on my blog and like me on Facebook prior to December 11th, 2011. Two simple likes and you are entered to win this weeks Shopportunity
Good Luck! Be well, stay healthy, be active, and remember wherever you are, there you go.
To enter - Leave a comment here and on Facebook.
  1. Become a verified follower to 13 Going on Crazy (top right) of blog and make a note in the comments.
  2. Like 13 Going on Crazy on Facebook and make a note here in the comments that you're a new liker.
For bonus entries
  1. Add 13 Going on Crazy follow on Google reader (at right) and make a note in the comments.
  2. Share contest link to this page on your Facebook page and make a note here in the comments.
  3. Share contest link to this page on your blog and make a note here in the comments.
  4. Like Paradice Ice Packs on Facebook and make a note here in the comments.

Winner for Week 3 KT Tape Shopportunity

Congrats Kimberley Ann Frey!! Please email with your address! Thanks for being a part of my cheer squad!! Happy Running!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sweet Dreams

First of all please note the post time, yes it is 4:15 in the morning! Here is one for Freud, my dream tonight, I am running in what appears to be a race. I for reasons unknown to me am carrying my Asics running shoes instead of them being snugly wrapped around my feet. I tend to have to dreams where I am barefooted, I don't know what that is about. Did I mention that I am running on stones nears a beach with seals who will not stop marking the trademark bark? Very strange dream, common sense when running on stones would be to put on shoes, but not me I just kept on running. Maybe the subliminal message here is that perhaps yes in life it gets chaotic and messy, but you need to keep on going and push on through. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ready, Set, Goal!

Did Mark Remy set himself up to fail? According to Remy’s RW post, his Holiday Running Streak was a mere 5 days old, 2 days shy of a week, when it died. Did he set himself up to fail? Was his goal unrealistic? Are we our own worst enemy? In a world were we perpetually beat ourselves up and set ourselves up to fail, I ask the simple question, why?

I may not know the why, I will leave that one up to Freud, but I believe that behind all unrealistic goals are good intentions, the I will do this or that. Unrealistic goals are the goals that we subconsciously set knowing that they are near impossible to complete. These are those pesky ‘I will’ goals. I too am guilty of this recalling times proclaiming that I will go to the gym everyday, run every day, skip a late night snack, or never eat after 7 pm, not even a grape. Seriously? Committing to never eating after 7pm? What about dessert? Or better yet running every day of the week? What about the day of rest? Who are we kidding? We are not robots who could seriously commit to such rigid life standards.

Rather than continually bang our heads against the wall, though it feels so good when we stop, lets vow to set realistic goals. To make goals more palatable, they need to be ‘I’m able’ goals. These are the goals that we could be successful and achieve in the long run. Committing ourselves to 3 or 4 days of physical activity or even better sharing a dessert rather than skipping because the short hand is seven and the long hand is on the twelve is more realistic.

Recognizing the distinction between the ‘I will’ and ‘I’m able’ goals is the yellow brick road for runners and goal setters alike. Like Dorothy we have goals, though it may not be made of rubies, we need to put our best running shoe forward and head out on our very own yellow brick road.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reading Material

If you are like me you never do anything half way. Well the same logic pertains to my running endeavors. I eat, breath, and sleep running. Proof of the pudding is my nightstand, which contains a mountain of running books. It it the last thing I think about before I close my eyes and the first thing I think about in the morning. My latest reading obsession is Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running by Dagny Scott Barrios. If there was anything you wanted to know about running this book most likely has it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shopportunity Giveaway Week 3

Every girl loves a shopportunity and to kick off the up coming holiday season 13 Going on Crazy is giving away some of our favorite running things to my cheer squad! This week marks the third week where one lucky reader will be a winner of 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway.
This week on 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway, KT Tape will be giving one lucky follower my favorite elastic sports tape, KT Tape Pro.
How do I enter? Why it is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Sign up to follow me on my blog and like me on Facebook prior to December 4th, 2011. Two simple likes and you are entered to win this weeks Shopportunity
Good Luck! Be well, stay healthy, be active, and remember wherever you are, there you go.
To enter - Leave a comment here and on Facebook.
  1. Become a verified follower to 13 Going on Crazy (top right) of blog and make a note in the comments.
  2. Like 13 Going on Crazy on Facebook and make a note here in the comments that you're a new liker.
For bonus entries
  1. Add 13 Going on Crazy follow on Google reader (at right) and make a note in the comments.
  2. Share contest link to this page on your Facebook page and make a note here in the comments.
  3. Share contest link to this page on your blog and make a note here in the comments.
  4. Like KT Tape on Facebook and make a note here in the comments.

Winner for Week 2 Sweaty Band Shopportunity

Congrats Running Momma, aka Kirsten!! Please email with your address! Thanks for being a part of my cheer squad!! Happy Running!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! Best of luck today on your 5k's, Turkey Trots, mid day runs, hikes, and pj clad tv surfers! I'm sure that you will be amazing! May this be the start of a healthy holiday season.

I would like to think that everyone is guilty of over indulging over the holiday season. I know that I have had the I overate hangover. I would like to say that starting this year it stops! Runner's World is challenging the end of this madness and is kicking off its Inaugural RW Holiday Running Streak. To me this is a seasonal resolution, a pre-New Years resolution, a vow to end over indulging or at least a way to not go up a size before the year is over. The challenge is to run everyday from now until New Years...even if it is only 1 mile a day. As I am already in the middle of one challenge, I have decided to accept this challenge as well. Call me Superwomen if you will! Though I don't understand how she supposedly saved the world running around in white go-go boots and a lasso. Anyway I propose that we stand together on this challenge and dedicate ourselves to preserving the size of our tummies and tushiesbefore the holiday season begins!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Knee Pain

I have been having right knee pain for almost a week and I decided that I needed to listen to my body and seek outside help. After an assessment, treatment, and ultra sound therapy I was seriously instructed not to run untill Sunday. In a nutshell I have been benched. It's like telling Maverick and Goose that they have been grounded. I have a need for speed! Not running until Sunday is going to be hard, but in the long run worth it! Perhaps if I want to be successful and healthy, listening and respecting my body will be the key to me completing my challenge.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Shopportunity Giveaway Week 2

Every girl loves a shopportunity and to kick off the up coming holiday season 13 Going on Crazy is giving away some of our favorite running things to my cheer squad! This week marks the second week where one lucky reader will be a winner of 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway.
This week on 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway, Sweaty Bands will be giving one lucky follower my favorite running headband, the Flower Power Headband.
How do I enter? Why it is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Sign up to follow me on my blog and like me on Facebook prior to November 27th, 2011. Two simple likes and you are entered to win this weeks Shopportunity
Good Luck! Be well, stay healthy, be active, and remember wherever you are, there you go.
To enter - Leave a comment here and on Facebook.
  1. Become a verified follower to 13 Going on Crazy (top right) of blog and make a note in the comments.
  2. Like 13 Going on Crazy on Facebook and make a note here in the comments that you're a new liker.
For bonus entries
  1. Add 13 Going on Crazy follow on Google reader (at right) and make a note in the comments.
  2. Share contest link to this page on your Facebook page and make a note here in the comments.
  3. Share contest link to this page on your blog and make a note here in the comments.
  4. Like Sweaty Bands on Facebook and make a note here in the comments.

Winner for the First Shopportunity Giveway!!

Congrats Heather Gannoell!! Please visit and email with your size, color, and address! Thanks for being a part of my cheer squad!! Happy Running!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rock the Park Half Marathon Race Number 3

Though I am very tired from today's half marathon I am exhilarated from the experience. Today was a first for Melissa, I came in 3rd place and earned not only a medal, but a trophy! How cool is that? I was hesitant about this race as it was promoted as a low key race with a maximum number of participants. After partaking in this race I realize how stress free a low key race can be. I did not have to spend my Saturday prior to the race visiting an expo and picking up my bib, which was nice, but missed as every girl loves a Shopportunity! Anyone who lives in the LA/OC area that is not tied into a specific charity and wants a low-key atmosphere with really great people I highly recommend Charlie Alweine Racing. I can proudly say that I can now check race number 3 of my challenge off of my list!!

Shopportunity Giveaway Last Day/Race Number 3

Ran Race #3 this morning. Check it off of my list!! I had a great time, rocked the park and came in 3rd place... Today is the last day left until the first prize Shopportunity giveaway, Oiselle Favorite Running Tee! As a way to stay not only motivated, but inspired and healthy I decided to set a major goal for myself, to run 13 half marathons in 13 months, 13.1 Going on Crazy as I like to call it. In efforts to stay accountable I decided to detail and track my progress via my blog which I set up discussing the trials and tribulations of my runs. To be entered into the drawing go to 13 Going on Crazy on Facebook and like the page ( & sign up on my blog and follow me! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!! Race report to come later today!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday Run

Call off the search and hold on to your sniffer dogs, I went for a run today! My run might have been only 3 miles, but I did it! After being under the weather and on hiatus these past few days I am proud that I accomplished these mere 3 miles. I may have done more walking than running today, but a mile is a mile in my book. Next run I will be up to snuff and ready to prove my stuff!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Under the Weather

It's not easy being green...after a great weekend with my brother I have been feeling under the weather and am hoping that I will feel well enough to run 5 miles tomorrow morning. Too much fun. Too much food. And way too much cake and not enough running! My running shoes might be sending out a search and rescue team if I don't go running tomorrow!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shopportunity Giveaway

Every girl loves a shopportunity and to kick off the up coming holiday season 13 Going on Crazy is giving away some of our favorite running things to my cheer squad! Each week from now till December 16th one lucky reader per week will be a winner of 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway.

To kick off the first week of 13 Going on Crazy’s Shopportunity Giveaway, Oiselle will be giving one lucky follower my favorite running tee, the Start Line Tee. In addition, starting on November 14th and ending on November 21st Oiselle is giving readers 15% off, of their purchase. Visit and enter CRAZYSTART when checking out.

How do I enter? Why it is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Sign up to follow me on my blog, like me on Facebook, and you need to like Oiselle on Facebook. Three simple likes and you are entered to win this weeks Shopportunity!

Good Luck! Be well, stay healthy, be active, and remember wherever you are, there you go.

To enter - Leave a comment here and on Facebook.

  1. Become a verified follower to 13 Going on Crazy (top right) of blog and make a note in the comments.
  2. Like 13 Going on Crazy on Facebook and make a note here in the comments that you're a new liker.
  3. Like Oiselle on Facebook and make a note here in the comments.
  4. Go to and comment on the blog telling 13 Going on Crazy, which color would be on your wish list.

For bonus entries:

  1. Add 13 Going on Crazy follow on Google reader (at right) and make a note in the comments.
  2. Share contest link to this page on your Facebook page and make a note here in the comments.
  3. Share contest link to this page on your blog and make a note here in the comments.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Pain in My...

The very first thing I noticed about Tylenol Precise when I opened the tube was the smell. It was absolutely awful, I'm serious! If you don't want to be doing the old man shuffle, but don't mind smelling like an old man I highly recommend the product. Now, I know that can be said about most similar products, but, this was one of the strongest smelling pain reliever creams I have ever smelled. I actually felt myself getting a bit high from the fumes, I'm not joking. This product works miracles and I will continue to use it despite smelling like an old man.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Couple gets married running New York Marathon

With this run, I thee wed...Runners Mary Martin and Raymond Donaldson got married this past weekend in the midst of the NYC Marathon. Talk about a runaway bride. While friends and family cheered them on at mile 22 an actual marriage took place. "We met running so we thought it would be appropriate," Mary said after introducing herself to a sports announcer as Mary Donaldson. This might not have been the traditional wedding, but the bride was wearing white and the groom was in a tux. What more could you ask for? Even the officiant was an Iron Man Minister. I wish that this couple lives a long, happy, active life together.

This brings me hope that one day I too will meet someone possibly even while running! Until that day comes I will continue to quote my favorite SATC girl, Charlotte York, "I've been dating since I was 15. I'm exhausted! Where is he?"

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Rain or Shine… Or So I Thought

In life you make decisions. Good ones. Bad ones. Mediocre ones. And ones that fall into the gray category. Today was one of those days where a tuff decision needed to be made. Should I run today’s City of Santa Clarita Half Marathon in torrential downpour?

As I approached the line start to see that the streets were empty, and were flooded with water, I stopped some very cute paramedics and asked if they had anything, which I could cover myself with. As they handed me a plastic protective sheet, the kind paramedic said, ‘It is 100% chance of rain and we are lucky to be out here.” His next statement really concerned me as he said, “Running on this pavement in this weather, is the equivalent of driving on black ice.”

With that statement I began to ponder my own safety. Knowing that there are other November races I decided that for my safety and to be able to continue my challenge that it was best to sit this one out. For those who did decide to stay and tough it out, I truly hope they crossed the finish line soaked, but safe from injury.

In my running future I also plan on going to the 99-cent store or Target and purchasing a rainy day race readiness kit. This kit will include ponchos, gloves, hats, etcetera. Would this kit have saved the day? I doubt it, but it would work for a milder rain. They call baseball games, don’t they? Why not races?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

D-PAN ASL Music Video "We're Going To Be Friends" by the White Stripes.

Check out the Deaf Professional Arts Network's (D-PAN) latest music video of "We're Going To Be Friends" by the White Stripes. This video is going to bring a tear to your eye and a smile on your face. I was touched and inspired by these children. Each and every child in this video was simply amazing and made a wonderful music video. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I did!

One more amazing ASL video by the talented actor, Sean Berdy sign's Enrique Iglesia's "Hero"! WOW!!

Run Clubs

Tonight was my last run before race number three and my first run with the Brentwood Lululemon Running Club. I had an excellent run tonight. I felt strong, in tune with my body and ready for Sunday's Santa Clarita Half Marathon. Bring it on Santa Clarita!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's Not Delivery. It's DiGiorno

Have I mentioned that I LOVE pizza, even though I should not be eating cheese? I like making pizza at home, but I always have a difficult time determining the correct portion size. How is one person supposed to properly determine what 1/3 of a pizza should look like? And who could eat just 1/3 of a pizza? We have all played the game of 'oh just one more slice' and that game is OVER with these pizzas! I apparently lack self-control. I recently discovered that DiGiorno has a new line of individual frozen pizzas that are only 200 calories. Yes they are marketed towards the lunch crowd, but with a salad it definitely works for dinner. I highly recommend seeking these pizza's out in your freezer section. This is a filling dinner and completely satisfying without falling too hard off the wagon.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Coolest Race...EVER!!

Just when I thought that I have seen it all I was surely mistaken. I have done MANY things that border on crazy and insane, but this draws the line! Last night marked the 10th annual Naked Pumpkin Run in Boulder, Seattle, Portland, Arcata, and Sebastopol. These runners traded their running clothes and Halloween costumes for a birthday suit and a carved out pumpkin hat. These runners streak en masses donning their pumpkin creations on their heads. Do you love the skin your in? Would you dare to bare all in the spirit of fun?

The event website provides the following history:

On a chilly Tuesday night on Halloween of 2006 Seattle launched its inaugural Seattle event at Green Lake Park. We had a great time and had a very strong event, setting a new record for an innagural run with seven participants (previous record was three people set by Denver in 2005, according to Naked Pumpkin Run Central in Boulder, Colorado). We decided to meet at 9:28 PM(or 8:88 as Josh would say) at a the secret North Seattle location disclosed to NPR Seattle participants.

This location was at the Green Lake Park East Beach, at the lifeguard elevated chair, inside of the 2.8 mile inner walk/bike trail, and adjacent to/just west of the Community Center/Evans Pool (7201 E. Green Lake Drive N). We took a few pictures clothed and naked as a group (thanks to Peterman and his friend) and then we went off!

We ran somewhere between 15-25 minutes around on the inner path and later started running along the street, before returning to the start area, posing in front of the pool/community center, and posing on the lifeguard chair. It was quite dark in the park, and there were few people on the path, and surprisingly few out driving on the streets. People were honking, pulling over and screaming, giving us cheers, people in the community center were taking our picture with their mobile phone cameras, it was awesome!

Monday, October 31, 2011

I Want Candy!!

So did you? Did you survive Halloween? Were you able to resist the urge and actually step away from the candy bowl and simply enjoy the festivities without indulging in a candy bar? Today I went on the inaugural Step Away From the Candy Bowl Day 5K. I don't know about you, but I definitely am thinking twice tonight about eating a candy bar after I burned all of those calories. I am skipping the sugar high as I am still coming down from my runners high!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Step Away from the Candy Bowl...

As the last Sunday of October winds down and Halloween is quickly approaching all I have to say is put the candy down! After knowing how many calories I burn during a run I don't even want to think about unwrapping a Kit Kat Bar or a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup in the shape of a pumpkin. Even if I have justified that I have earned that piece of candy. According to the US Census Bureau Current Industrial Reports, states that the average American ate 24.7 pounds of candy in 2010. I find that statistic to be shocking, besides it being a temporary feel good moment, why else would anyone willingly do that to themselves?

Tomorrow I intend on running earlier in the day rather than later as the streets will be bustiling with trick or treaters. What was your best costume for Halloween? According to my Mom, mine is a toss up between Rainbow Bright and Teddy Ruxpin, even though I can't remember either, sorry Mom. I recognize that her intentions and heart were in the right place. She even a took a sewing class to make me Rainbow Bright even though it feel apart as I went door to door trick or treating.

Regardless of the Halloween festivities I intend on going for a long run and I am proposing that as runners we unite and make October 31 national Put the Candy Down and Go For a Run Day!

Happy Halloween!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

See a Penny, Pick it Up...

Walking under a ladder, avoiding sidewalk cracks, or always putting on our left sock first. Knock on wood, step on a crack... brake your mother's back, black cats. As I begin to taper my miles and prepare for next Sundays race, race number 3 of lucky 13 for those of you who are counting, I began to question the power of rituals and the superstitions. The fact is as runners we all have quirks, little superstitious things that we all do to prepare ourselves for race day. Superstition lies in the space between what we can control and what we can't. Buying a new pair of Lululemon socks or laying out your clothes the night before. Not eating dairy or eating a small banana with Pepto Bismol on race day are these superstitions or a mere mental check list? I for one do not possess the answer to this question. In a world where there are so many things that we can't control and so many what if's the last thing that I want to do is offend the running Gods!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

If the Shoe Fits

Run, don't walk to FrontRunners in Los Angeles, AKA Brentwood, for a proper shoe fitting. The time has come that runners step up to the plate or in our case the starting line and get properly fitted. If you live in LA it is common knowledge that if you need new running shoes that FrontRunners LA is the place to go. What I did not know is that they now have the iStep from Aetrex which is the most amazing, revolutionary digital foot scanner. Your world will be rocked in less than 30 seconds this scanner will accurately measure foot size, arch type, and pressure points. According to my scans, I can now confirm that yes I have a size 9 foot, a severe pronation, and place an immense amount of pressure on the front pad of my feet. Needless to say I am highly impressed by not only this scanner, but the knowledgeable staff at FrontRunners, they will make sure that you are properly fitted. If you could talk the talk, then you can run the run. If you do not live in LA I highly recommend that you take a step in the right direction and find your nearest iStep and get yourself properly fitted. Your feet will thank you.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Change of Pace

Ever tired of running the same route? Do you ever feel like a rat in a maze even though you are outside running? Tired of the passing the same rusty old mailbox? Gmaps Pedomet, is a great easy to site for runners. It charts out your course before you hit the pavement. This site uses Google Maps to calculate distance and even caloeries burned. I am in love with this site, it eliminate the guess work and the famous questions of where am going to run to today. Check it out I think you will be equally smitten.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Favorite Running Tee

Everyone has one. You know what I talking about runners, the running tee that you simply cannot live without. I thought that I knew my favorite tee until the really cool girls at Oiselle sent me their half marathon running tee. I opened the packaged and to my surprise not only was it beyond super soft, it was my favorite color, lavender. Before even wearing it I knew that I would love it. It reminded me of my favorite worn-in tees from college, only better. This tee I could actually go for a run wearing and know that it will wick away my sweat. I took Oiselle’s half marathon out for a test run today and it will definitely be replacing my old favorite running tees. It was super soft and the most comfortable running tee I have worn in a really long time.

Oiselle’s running tee is simple with the number 13.1 displayed across the chest. If you are not a runner there are those looks of confusion as to why you would wear the unlucky number 13 across your chest, but if you are a runner or half marathon junkie like me you get it. You understand the number; all those miles logged that prepared you for race day, the sense of accomplishment when you cross the finish line. Wear it, be proud of your accomplishments, and celebrate the journey that has helped you cross the finish line. Thank you Oiselle for helping me share my journey with the world!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Learning about your Running Style

What is Fartlek? No it is not just a funny word. Fartlek is a Swedish term that means speed play, which is a form of interval training that is found to be effective in improving speed and edurance. Fartlex or interval training allows me to run longer, further, and I find my runs more enjoyable. To be a successful runner I find that it is really important to learn what works best for you while you are out on a run. Do you run best on a track? Do you run best with consistancy and running the same route over and over again? For me personally I run best and am the most disiplined if I run a loop never passing the same mailbox twice during the course of a run. The other asspect which allows me to run to my fullest potential is this funny word called Fartlek. I find that interval running can be as easy or grueling as you wish to make it. Today I ran 5 miles and I can honestly say that I enjoyed myself and if I did not just take a shower I would consider going out for another run.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Latest Obsession…

These undies cracked me up! I am simply in love with Oiselle’s Rundies. Goodbye tighty whities, helloo Rundies! They are both cheeky and darling at the same time. Who knew that grown-up underwear could be so much fun? Even though you can’t wear them while you are running, they make a great statement after you logged those miles. I like to think of it as my badge of honor on my toned booty. Can you guess what is going on my birthday wish list?

Behold the beauty and check out the full 7 days of the week. Oiselle Rundies kick the days of the week underpants of my childhood to the curb...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Long Beach International City Bank Half Marathon

The second stop on the train to crazy town was the Long Beach International City Bank Half Marathon. Since I did not stay at a hotel, I woke up at 4:40 am and left my home at 5:00 am, yes I was a fireman in my past life I am the master of getting ready in a hurry. Luckily the ride to Long Beach went smoothly and I did not hit any traffic until I switched freeways and transferred onto the 710. Regardless of the 710 traffic, I arrived with plenty of time for the 7 am start time. I had enough time to purchase a banana and go to a real bathroom which to me is really important as I was raised in the school of no soft tissue no tushie.

Living in Los Angeles I oddly enough do not explore Long Beach enough so I did not know really what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised! This is really a picturesque community! This is an ideal place to run, weather and scenery were equally gorgeous.

The first couple of miles were less scenic than the rest of the course, typical running through the streets of Long Beach. Running over a variety of bridges and turns through downtown Long Beach, but as runners turned around the bend at mile 5 the most spectacular view of The Queen Mary. I now finally understand the allure and beauty of travelling on ships of such as The Queen Mary and the Titanic, yes I know that it sank, but I would have booked passage on either liner.

After passing The Queen Mary and the Long Beach fireboat we continued on to the boardwalk before heading to bike path on the beach. To me running on such paths as the on the beach are an ideal setting for running. Beach running is a total mind clearer, easily and without much thought all troubles and problems seem to dissipate with each crashing wave. Everything in my mind always becomes clear and suddenly manageable.

Running Long Beach International City Bank Half Marathon was a great experience and I would like to thank my friends, family, supports, those reading this post, and D.K., I am unsure if she would like to have her name posted, for supporting me and assisting me with race registration. Crossing the finish line is and always will fill me with a sense of accomplishment and pride. A sense of feeling strong and that I can handle the challenges and obstacles life throws my way.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Getting Ready for the Challenge

Gearing up for the Long Beach International City Bank Half Marathon. Picked-up my bib and to my surprise not only was the official tee a tee that is something that I will actually wear again, but instead of the typical plastic race goodie bag, it is a blue reusable drawstring bag. Very cute and very green. I am so excited for tomorrow's race it is going to be a beautiful day.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hugging My iPhone a Little Closer Tonight...

I have boarded the Magical Mystery Tour of The Beatles, took a trip with Dylan upon his magic swirlin’ ship, floated through space with Bowies Space Oddity, wrapped my legs ‘round those velvet rims of Springsteen, searched for America with Simon and Garfunkel, was a street fighting man alongside Mick, and got the party started with Will I Am. Thank you Steve Jobs for making my runs musical magical odysseys.

‘Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? We make tools for these kinds of people. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.’ Steve Jobs 1955-2011

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