Races Places & Faces
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Are you Ready for Me, Mickey?
Monday, August 29, 2011
there's always another one on my radar...
The Walt Disney World Half Marathon definitely was not on my radar as that would be 2 half marathons during the month of January 2012... But check this out...the 15th Anniversary Walt Disney World Half Marathon Medal features Donald and this is well kind of magnificent. And what makes this one so sweet is that it will be exclusive to the 2012 race.
Probably still not on the running radar, but . . .
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Born this Way
Today I ran 9 miles. Yes you read that right 9 miles and I feel as though I can accomplish anything after today. Is my race time goal actually obtainable or is it a pipe dream? I like to think that eventually with time I might be able to achieve that goal. After watching an old episode of Glee, Born This Way, I have realized that I need to follow the lead of Glee and embrace the pace and accept my inner slow poke and just accept my running abilities for what they are. At least I am doing it!
For those you have not seen this episode it starts with a knock in the nose for Rachel. Her fellow gleeks get wind that she is considering a nose job and are opposed to this idea as she was 'Born This Way'. The episode culminates with the group doing a rendition of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way’ where fellow Gleeks deepest darkest secrets are emblazoned in black block letters on white t-shirts. Phrases included, Like Boys!, Can’t Sing!, Can’t Dance!, I’m With Stupid!, and Lucy Kaboosey!.
I might not be the fastest or the slowest runner, but I certainly am a runner. I think that I should emblazon a running t-shirt saying Slow Runner with a Peguin! What would your tee say?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Why I Love Run Disney
Let me just put this out there...I was not a runner, and sort of still don't consider myself a "runner" but I did the training and signed up to run in the Disneyland Half Marathon. That was my first experience with the half marathon.
I have completed 5 so far...some running the entire thing, some walking the entire thing, and some doing both and with each passing race I grow to love it even more. You sit down at your computer and sign up and pay for this race. You analyze the course, study your training plans, and mark up your calendar with the new training schedule. Most of all you make a commitment to yourself and no matter how you cross that finish line, for me I always say, “I don’t care if I walk it, run it, crawl it, I am the 1% of the population that completed such a fete.’...For me, keeping that commitment to myself is so gratifying.
I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that I am so lucky to running yet another RunDisney race and I have kept that commitment to myself. Let me leave you with one more thought...18 MORE DAYS!!!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Happily Ever After
While on my run I saw a little girl dressed as Princess Sleeping Beauty and I couldn’t help but wonder. Is there such a thing as a happy ending or is that what were told as a little kid simply to reassure the disillusioned adult that yes they are in fact happy. As a little kid we close our eyes and dream of these fantasies, the white dress, the ruggedly handsome prince charming, the castle. Eventually we grow up, open our eyes, and the fairy tale disappears. Are we set up to fail? Believing and entrusting our futures on the basis that everything ends happily ever after. Are we an entire generation of Cinderella’s without a glass slipper in sight? Do we want or need that glass slipper?
Okay I am not expecting a knight and shining whatever, but would I ever want a white dress or a prince to carry me off to his castle on a hill? Is it more important to be happy right now rather than happily ever after?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Farewell to a Very Good Dog
Monday, August 1, 2011
Lacking Motivation To Run
Monday I wanted to run. I spent the first part of my day applying for countless more jobs. Applying for jobs online is like sending your resume into the black hole. Now my apartment is from the 1940s, so it does not have the accoutrements of modern living. There is no air-conditioning, microwave, which I oddly do not miss, washer and dryer, etcetera. For reasons unknown to me even if it is not hot outside my apartment retains heat. As the heat and humidity seemed to rise with every passing moment I kept putting off my run due to feeling over heated. I would run later in the day I reasoned. When my mom came home I told her I wanted to run, if not now then later, but I wanted to run.
I wanted to run, but I didn't want to run. I need to remember that it is all a mind set. Mind over matter. I was hot and seriously lacking in motivation. I did not eat enough at dinner, to the point that I did not feel satisfied and more frustrated at myself for not running and it was already 7:00 at night.
So I took my own advice…
If you do not have the energy to run, but know you need to run you have only one option and it is simple… get dressed, lace up your running shoes, head out the door, and run 1/2 a mile. If at that point you want to turn around and run 1/2 a mile back home, then do it. At least you can log a mile for the day. Call it a day and tell yourself what Scarlet O’Hara always says ‘after all, tomorrow is another day.’
I'm betting at that 1/2 mile mark, you will find that you had more energy than you thought you had. The thought of throwing in the towel and going home after you already made the effort to get out the door, will keep you going.
3 miles later I was in high spirits. Yes I was sweaty and my stomach still hurt from not enough at dinner. A run is a run and every run I get to go on is a gift as I was blessed with 2 working legs. Even better than getting in my run is that I shaved 30 seconds off of my time and am that much closer to my goal of completing my half marathon in sub 2:30.