Thursday, August 18, 2011

Born this Way

Today I ran 9 miles. Yes you read that right 9 miles and I feel as though I can accomplish anything after today. Is my race time goal actually obtainable or is it a pipe dream? I like to think that eventually with time I might be able to achieve that goal. After watching an old episode of Glee, Born This Way, I have realized that I need to follow the lead of Glee and embrace the pace and accept my inner slow poke and just accept my running abilities for what they are. At least I am doing it!

For those you have not seen this episode it starts with a knock in the nose for Rachel. Her fellow gleeks get wind that she is considering a nose job and are opposed to this idea as she was 'Born This Way'. The episode culminates with the group doing a rendition of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way’ where fellow Gleeks deepest darkest secrets are emblazoned in black block letters on white t-shirts. Phrases included, Like Boys!, Can’t Sing!, Can’t Dance!, I’m With Stupid!, and Lucy Kaboosey!.

I might not be the fastest or the slowest runner, but I certainly am a runner. I think that I should emblazon a running t-shirt saying Slow Runner with a Peguin! What would your tee say?

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